Goodness is one of the guiding principles of Thando Teas. We live our convictions by featuring a national charity we believe in and donate 5% of our net profits to their efforts. We further support by donating an additional 10%  when you purchase the Monthly Featured Product.

Every time you make a purchase; you help make the world a little better.

September’s featured charitable organization is The Prevent Cancer Foundation® in honor of Chadwick Boseman. As I have grown older I have watched cancer devastate families, attack “healthy, vibrant” friends, and snatch loved ones from us. 

The Prevent Cancer Foundation® is the only U.S.-based nonprofit organization solely dedicated to cancer prevention and early detection. Our mission is saving lives across all populations through cancer prevention and early detection. Our vision is to Stop Cancer Before It Starts!

This exceptional organization aims to defeat cancer with a 4 prong approach:

  1. Research by investing in early research in cancer prevention.
  2. Education for the public on healthy lifestyles, medical screening and warning signs. 
  3. Outreach by working with local community leaders.
  4. Advocacy by taking their fight to local, state, and national governments.